Sunday, June 16, 2013

Ulan... and ulan

So... Rainy season has begun!

It rained a lot on Thursday and we spent most of the day partially soaked. Haha, oh adventures. It's more fun in the Philippines!

We found some pretty neat people we hope will progress. A couple potential families. It's so neat to feel like I've met certain people before. Some people are so familiar.

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to the BEST DAD EVER!!! I sent you an email, so check that, mkay, Dadstum? ;) And please pass it on to my grampy!!! LOVE HIS GUTS! hugs and kisses to both of you!

Happy Father's Day as well to all the wonderful fathers of my friends, like Angus and Gary, Daddy Smallwood and Daddy Grant, Hayden, and Stromberg, and Tatay Fernando, and Ronquillo, as well as Sis. Gupta's Indian daddy. I'm so grateful to you all for bringing into this world my beloved friends and companions!  I love them so and I love you so!

I want to share my testimony that we have a very loving eternal Father in Heaven. He celebrates our victories, rejoices in our righteousness, and weeps with us when we choose wrong. He knows us and wants us to communicate with Him through sincere prayer. He has provided a way for us to return to live with Him, to become like Him, and to obtain all that He has. This way is the gospel of Jesus Christ, which has been restored by our loving Heavenly Father through the prophet Joseph Smith. The fulness of the gospel is contained in the Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ.

Let's take some time to celebrate our fathers and give thanks to our loving Father in Heaven for all with which He has blessed us!

Thank you, Mom, for fixing that! Is there still a possibility of getting housing? I think, ultimately, plan B is probably going to be a lot better for all of us. And I say that, knowing how much you'd love to meet these ppl and i'd love for you to meet them. I'll let you make the final decision. I love you dearly.


your sister Kylee Richardson

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