Sunday, June 9, 2013


Soo.... Bro. and Sis. Tolentino are getting baptized this saturday!!!! They were interviewed yesterday and they're ready! Rezzie and Redelyn still need a little time, but it will come. We just keep praying. 

I feel a strong sense of urgency in the work. It's just time to be better. It's time to run faster, lift higher, be stronger. It's time to give my best every minute. It's really always time for that, but there are indications everywhere that we need to take it up a notch. At the same time, I want to keep in mind what I learned from a Mormon Message Sister Hayden shared with me: "Choose Ye This Day" by Pres. Eyring--we don't need to do it all. We just need to give our time to Him and let Him accomplish His purposes through us. It will make all the difference. If we will get on our knees and ask Him daily to let us be His instruments, we will see miracles--we will be a part of them.

I had a very spiritual experience while fasting this time. I just want to share with you that I know our Heavenly Father hears and answers our prayers of faith. He knows our needs and will give us what we need, when we need it. If we will trust in His will and timing, we will see our deepest desires fulfilled. 

I can't believe I didn't send my last email!!! I'm so sorry! Here it is now! Please forgive me! I'll double check next time! So sorry! Sadly, I really did just forget to press send... I actually had a ready email. Now you'll get it... :D

Daddy, I'm excited to see what now lies ahead for you as you are now free to receive a new calling :) Hehee.... I might just send Bishop a little text and tell him you'd love to be the new EQ President haha! Joke lang. No, I can't actually text Bishop... Haha but oh, if I could! I'm glad everyone's good and I'm looking forward to meeting some of our family's new friends like Amber.

Mom, thank you for the updates on everyone. I will be sure to do that. To be honest as far as school, I felt pretty good about either going or not going. It seems to be more hassle and worry at this point to register, but I'll ask permission anyway. I'm not sure how much is in there, but whatever needs to happen, we'll figure it out. I'm sure it'll feel more urgent when it's the only thing ahead for me, but with all that's going on here, it feels like no big deal :) 
I know you're doing just what the Lord would have you and that the struggle of starting a new responsibility like that will get much easier as time goes on. How grateful I am that the Lord always allows me time to grow into each responsibility He gives me! We have to remember that we won't have it mastered right away. That takes time and He knows that. He'll help us.
 I'm excited for the girls' jobs, Joj's bball, and Boo's break. They're all the BEST!

Can I pick also to sing Home Can Be a Heaven on Earth? I love that one! I think we'll sing it later in our FHE with Dara, Kince, and France. I love them so much. They're some ppl you have to meet.

We've moved apartments and made some adjustments. It's an adventure! We love the Lord, each other, and of course, the Philippinos!!!! Sister Grant still rocks and we're friends for life.

I love you all! Sister RIchardson Hurrah for Israel!

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