Wow, family!
After reading your emails, i feel to say that you have indeed fed me. i feel overwhelmingly blessed :) sister gupta was telling me how every time she would complain about how full she was from a member's house and how it might make her sick, her companion would remind her how blessed they were to have food. i feel SO FULL of good things--but don't worry, i have no desire to complain, for my soul delighteth in the things of the Lord (2Ne. 4:15-16 yata?). I'm so grateful to you and for you. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Maree', i'll start with you this time, sweetheart. I am moved to tears at your incredible testimony and the sweet Spirit that moves in my soul as i read about your talks with Heavenly Father. What more of a lesson could i have on prayer than by your example?? Thank you, love! Thank you! and HOLY CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE A GRADUATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And you're SO BIG and you have SO MANY EXCITING THINGS ahead of you!!!! I'm thrilled for you and more proud of you than i can express! I was bragging about your talents and golden qualities to Sis Gupta the other day and i was in awe at all you have done, despite the difficulties. And it will never stop, sista. If anyone is anxious to rise to a challenge, I know it's you. You must have said, as did Pres. Eyring and whomever else he talked about in Conference, "give me this mountain! Give me this challenge!" (prob not 100% exact...) and YOU ARE CAPABLE. Always remember that. Our merciful, just Heavenly Father ALWAYS GIVES US WHAT WE NEED to be able to accomplish what He asks of us. I know that is true. I've seen it so much already in my life and on this mission and I will see it many more in the days and years to come. God is ever aware. Thank you for putting your trust in Him. You can surely "...cast your burdens on the Lord and trust His constant care." (Hymn 125.) You are beautiful, special, wonderful, powerful, and downright awesome. Don't you dare forget it!
Next, Daddy dear! Thank you for your testimony and your encouragement :) Haha and i love your smile, no matter how sideways it is ;) and i LOVE the way you spelled ukulele (sp?) i'm not even sure how to spell it lol. every word here is just about phonetic(sp?). lol, which is handy, if you gnome sayin'. love it. i wish i could see that gavin kid! talking up a storm! what a doll! make sure no one sweeps him off his feet while i'm gone, eh? he's all mine! haha cute kid. how is their family? they are so beautiful in every way. i miss them. i need to write the kids back. i will!!! i'm workin on it. Pres. Reese is super. That sounds like a super great meeting. I'm so glad :) I LOVE THE CHURCH, too! and I LOVE YOU and OUR FAMILY!!! super dee duper muchly! oh so muchly. you are so right. the Lord's work will always roll forth. and His ways are higher than our ways (D&C?). Tell Jason I'd love to hear from him! that'd be great! their family rocks! how's taco the time? i have been meaning to send a general letter to them to tell them how things are and say hi to everyone. they are great ppl there. Thank you, Dad, for the sacrifices you make for me to be here. I won't let you down. I mess up a lot, but I'm trying to improve every day. I'll never be a perfect missionary in this mission, but it's preparing me to be what Heavenly Father will make of me in the future. and we can all be made perfect through the atonement of Jesus Christ.
Mother Meem Mum Mom Ma, Thank you for Boo's letter! Thank HER for her letter! Beckstum, you are looking different, too! In a super beautiful way!You are growing up! Would you stop that? :) are you being good? are you helping mommy? I'm doing super well! Thank you! I am loving sharing the things that make us happy with other people so they can be happy, too! When you have something that makes you happy, what do you want to do with it? Do you wanna hide it, or do you wanna share it so everyone can know how happy you are and be that happy, too? I know that when we share our love and when we share the love of our Heavenly Father, we don't lose any love-- it doesn't get smaller, it just gets bigger. It grows and grows! So share the things that make you happy with others, k? I will try to be better at sharing, too. Sister Gupta is really good at sharing what she has with others. She doesn't keep anything for herself. She is very giving. I want to be like that.
Mom, like you I need to declutter my mind and world to make space for the lasting. Your priorities are good. We are always seeking to improve, and i know i need to, so thank you for sharing that with me. Our Savior really does make up all the difference in our lack. You are right--all that we give will never be enough to gain eternal life and all that He hath, but our BEST is ALWAYS enough, because that is all He asks of us. He asks for our obedience and our repentant souls and if we give that, He will help us. He helps us every step of the way. And I hope Maree' always remembers what standards she holds in the eyes of her Father and her family, even if others don't recognize it. The ppl that matter most know. She's so good.
I will send pics asap--next week if it's possible. i think it is bc the comp towers have a little place i could plug in my camera cord--but i didn't bring that to the cafe. i'm sorry. i'll ask if that's possible and do it next week if i can figure it out. my memory card is bound to be full sometime soon and then i'll mail it to you. i have another that i bought. also, i'll pray about my journal. thank you for calling lots. i really would be insanely sad to lose that. i need addresses and info in there. i can't respond to my friends without it. and some ppl wrote lovely things inside.
btw, could i get keri's and daniels addresses? YOU ROCK! and any yummy recipes that are pretty quick and simple would be awesome! we don't have an oven.. but we can make a lot with what we've got.
we got some special privileges-- i got to conduct the hymns at our special zone conference with Elder Nelson! and sis g and i have fhe with the stuckis tonight bc sis g cooks great indian food and they've heard about it from other missionaries. what a privilege! the assistants will prob come for a little bit to eat, too. WOW!
my time's up. i love you. you're in my thoughts and my prayers. i am with you in many ways. thank you for being with me, too. aaron, don't worry, i love to hear from you. your emails are super short and thanks for the pictures. i love your letters. i've missed them lately :) thank you for all you do, dear friend.
love you all!
sis r.
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